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CoolSculpting®: What’s Eating Popsicles Have to Do with It!?

Posted on Nov 29, 2018 Latest News

So, what could possibly be the link between kids eating popsicles and fat reduction? Apparently – plenty! It’s how CoolSculpting® was invented!

The CoolSculpting Story

The story behind the birth of CoolSculpting is just as interesting as the actual results it produces. Two doctors at Harvard, Dr. Rox Anderson and Dr. Dieter Manstein, noticed a strange phenomenon when they witnessed the loss of cheek fat that occurred when children sucked on frozen popsicles. They were also aware of a documented case of a woman who rode naked on her horse in freezing cold weather and reported loss of fat on her inner thigh! So, from those two cases, they realized that the link for the fat loss was…the COLD!

After many tests and studies, their findings were that cold actually kills fat cells faster than it can affect other types of body tissues. This is how cryolipolysis was created. When fat cells are exposed to cold temperatures, they become temporarily injured and then they eventually die. The body then seeks to remove these dying cells.

What Is CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting is a branded, FDA-cleared form of fat reduction called cryolipolysis. CoolSculpting was first cleared by the FDA in 2010. The procedure eliminates stubborn fat safely and effectively, without surgery. This fat reduction treatment uses controlled cooling to safely target and eliminate diet- and exercise-resistant fat. The treated fat cells are frozen and then die. Over time, your body will naturally process the fat and eliminate the dead cells. You will be left with a more sculpted and reshaped body! CoolSculpting is non-invasive; so, there is no surgery, cuts, anesthetics or medications that are typically used in liposuction and tummy tucks. This also eliminates a lot of risks as well. Research has shown that 25% of fat in the abdomen can be removed with just one treatment of CoolSculpting! Sounds great, right!?

As a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon for over 25 years, I feel it is important that you be aware that although patients can expect up to 20%-25% reduction of fat in the treated areas, you must remember that CoolSculpting is NOT a weight-loss procedure. This treatment is for body contouring after you have come close to your desired goal weight. This is not an option to dieting and exercise.

Benefits of CoolSculpting

Can CoolSculpting Help You?

To find out if you are truly a good candidate for CoolSculpting, I recommend you schedule a consultation with a member of our highly trained team from the CoolSculpting University. They have been trained in CoolSculpting assessments, treatments and preparations. CoolSculpting is intended for both men and women who are healthy, but are struggling to get rid of stubborn fat deposits that seem to be resistant to diet and exercise. During your consultation, our team can discuss with you whether CoolSculpting is a good option for you and if it can help you realize your expectations. I wouldn’t recommend CoolSculpting for someone who has excess loose skin or someone who needs more of a muscle repair.

Questions to Ask the CoolSculpting Specialist

Have questions ready for your consultation so that you are better equipped to make a decision that is right for you. Here are a few suggested questions!

What to Expect from CoolSculpting – Before, During, and After

Once you’ve made the decision to schedule an appointment with a member of our team that specializes in CoolSculpting treatments, do your homework and be prepared with questions you’d like answered to feel confident in your decision making. Use the questions I offered within this article for starters. As I stated earlier in this article, it is vital that you make an appointment for a consultation to determine whether you are a candidate for CoolSculpting. You will not be able to be treated at the first consultation as there is a certain amount of time allotted for each individual patient. Once you’ve been assessed, our team will let you know not only whether you are a candidate but what area(s) of your body need the treatments, how many will be needed to get the desired effect and the costs for your personalized treatment.

All of our bodies are different, and treatment times vary depending on what part of the body you are having treated. In general, the treatments take approximately 35 minutes per treated area. However, some areas can take up to 45 to 60 minutes per treated area.

As stated earlier, CoolSculpting is not only FDA-cleared but also quite safe and effective. CoolSculpting works to reduce fat by delivering a precisely controlled cooling to the targeted fat cells underneath the skin. The treated cells are crystallized, then die and are eliminated through natural body processes.

Once the treatment is over, it will take approximately six-eight weeks to start seeing results. The completed result will be more apparent in three months.

Here at Polacek Center for Plastic Surgery, we are excited to welcome CoolSculpting! We are proud of our Diamond status relationship with Allergan, an amazing company that not only provides us with CoolSculpting but BOTOX® Cosmetic, pharmaceutical-grade skin care products, peels and all of our dermal fillers such as JUVÉDERM®!

Diamond-level status with Allergan® is a prestigious award that distinguishes us as one of the top 1% of all plastic surgeons in the United States that work with Allergan products.

If you want to find out if you are a good candidate for CoolSculpting, please call our office today to schedule a CoolSculpting consultation with a member of our highly trained Coolsculpting team at (401) 331-0202. We will be more than happy to answer all your questions so that you can make a well-informed decision about having this revolutionary treatment done!

We look forward to helping you achieve the sculpted and contoured body you desire!